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    [Notice 2] Call for papers: Body as nature and culture, and the Anthropocene
    • Date2022/07/26 16:58
    • Hit 554

    Call for papers: Body as nature and culture, and the Anthropocene

    Currently, the International Journal of Body, Nature, and Culture (JBNC), invites the submission of original, non-published research papers. You may develop and submit the manuscript that you presented at the IBC-SCU conference. The following call will apply to all papers. 
    1. Papers are to be submitted in English only. 
    2. All manuscripts must be uploaded through an online server via the JBNC website, which will be available in February. The paper must be uploaded to the server no later than 23:59, February 14, 2022 (KST). The peer review process may take from two to three weeks.
    3. Do not include the author’s name in the manuscript. Papers with the author’s identifying information will not be considered for review.  
    4. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with conventions listed in the Public Manual of the Modern Language Association (MLA; 8th ed.). 
    5. JBNC publishes manuscripts of between 6,000 and 8,000 words in English (inclusive of references, tables, figures, appendices, and notes). Submission of more than a hundred words beyond the target word count will not be generally considered for reviewing process. Authors must use Microsoft™ Word to submit their articles.