J East-Asian Urban His. 2019, 1: 55-80
The Cultural Difference between Beijing and Shanghai and Its Influence on New Culture Movement
Xiong Yuezhi
Received 2019/05/20 Accpted 2019/06/30 Published Online 2019/12/31
DOI : https://doi.org/10.22769/JEUH.2019.1.1.55
The New Culture Movement marked the dawning of a turbulent era in China. By the time of May Fourth Movement, the cultural contradiction and confliction grew into an extensive and
enduring social movement extending deep and far-reaching influence on the Chinese society. The huge difference and contradiction existing between the Beijing and Shanghai cultures
contributed to the outbreak of this social movement. To be specific, there was an active human and information exchange involving the two leading Chinese cities and at the same time the old
and new cultures, thoughts and moralities constantly acted upon each other.
Key Words: New Culture Movement, May Fourth Movement, Beijing, Shanghai, Chen Duxiu
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