J East-Asian Urban Hist. 2019, 1: 99-134
The Theory of Tokyo in the 20th Century as a Garden City
Naito, Keita
Received 2019/09/30 Accpted 2019/12/08 Published Online 2019/12/31
DOI : https://doi.org/10.22769/JEUH.2019.1.1.99
In the Edo period, there were many samurai residences with gardens in Edo. In the 20th century, some of these gardens were inherited and new gardens were also cultivated in Tokyo. Because of this, Tokyo in the 20th century has been a garden city since the Edo period. This study shows the characteristics of gardens inherited today from the 20th century and the succession process of these gardens in the 20th century.
Key Words: 20th century, Tokyo, Edo, garden-city, garden-trace
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