J East-Asian Urban His. 2020, 2(1): 163-190
Urban History and ‘Geohistory’ of E. W. Soja
Hong, Yong-Jin
Received 2020/01/24 Accpted 2020/04/30 Published Online 2020/06/30
DOI : https://doi.org/10.22769/JEUH.2020.2.1.163
This paper aims to introduce and understand critically the work of Edward Soja, mainly the First part of the which develops his own concepts, such as ‘synekism’, ‘trialectics of space’, ‘regionality’ and ‘geohistory’. Most of all, in explaining Geohistory, he emphasizes three ‘Urban revolutions’: First Urban revolutions in Jericho and ÇatalHüyük, which shows first synekism as proto urban society, Second in Ur and other Sumerian cities where appeared a government and its transcendental ideologies, and Third in Manchester and in Chicago, typical capitalist concentrated power of central cities. These three urban revolutions don’t correspond to the established historical periodization. In order to understand these revolutions, it is necessary to comprehend the concept of ‘machine’ of G. Deleuze and F. Guattari, inspired, in fact, by Lewis Mumford - Primitive Territorial machine, Barbaric Despotic machine, and Civilized Capitalist machine. However, these periodization and concepts of E. Soja have to be applied very cautiously in accordance with concrete historical sources, avoiding theoretical distortion on positivity of historical facts.
Key Words: Postmetropolis, Geohistory, Synekism, Anti-Oedipus, Machine, Urban Revolution
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